And a lot has happened. We have travelled many miles- from Worthing in Sussex all the way up to Scotland. The drive up started off well and much banter was had between Meg, Zac and myself in the less than comfortable van. Radio One blaring through the speaker system we ventured north and as I sat and contemplated my less than certain fate with a sleeping Meg drooling on my shoulder I felt happy. Then we hit Newcastle and it all went crap.
We got stuck behind a slow moving lorry, I needed a wee and then to top it all off 'The 7.00 Rave' began on Radio One. It got pretty hellish very quickly. Eventually we arrived at our digs just outside of St Andrews (I say eventually but by this time it was 11.30) and all was well again. The house was lovely and perfectly situated in the middle of the glorious scottish countryside right next to the sea. And the next day the sun was shining.
But we had another get in to think about. As get ins go and with only two staff helping out it all went very quickly and by 4.30 we were up and ready to go. The actoooors arrived and the show went up. And then we had the get out. Which again went very well. It seems like we often work better and faster when exhausted. When that pressure one experiences when visiting a venue is condensed into just one day sometimes it can take it all out of you. However, St Andrews is absloutely idyllic and we all spent Sunday exploring it's beautiful beaches, cafes, alleyways and ruins. Many pictures were taken and then we were once more in the van and on our way to Glasgow having only just secured digs there for the week. EEEK. And now we're here. Our final stop. Glasgow. The Citizens Theatre is great and as I write this to you we have a big audience in and I thin they're enjoying it. There is a sense of finality in the air with all of us(well obviously, Hubert)... You know what I mean. Everything seems a little easier now the end is well and truly in site.
Siobhan really is fantastic. It seems bizarre that I haven't mentioned this before but there you go. And it's not as if she told me to write this or anything... Adios amigos.
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